Hand and Nail Workshop

Wednesday, May 11, 2022

1:00 – 4:00 pm
(3.00 Credit Hours)

Location: University of Pennsylvania Human Tissue Laboratory; Shuttle service will be provided for participants.

$375.00 registration fee
Space is limited to 40 registrants and granted on a first-come, first-served basis, with 2 participants per cadaveric hand. Registrants and faculty are subject to a COVID test prior to participation per requirements of the University of Pennsylvania Human Tissue Laboratory. Standing room NOT available.

Directed by Drs. Todd Cartee, & Nathaniel Jellinek, this workshop is geared toward all nail surgeons, from beginner and intermediate to advanced levels. It offers small group, hands-on experience practicing a variety of nail surgery techniques. Participants will be instructed on:

  • Partial and complete nail avulsions
  • Performing multiple different nail procedures (including punch, shave, and Longitudinal biopsy techniques)
  • Performing Mohs surgery for nail malignancies
  • Treating nail melanoma with en bloc excision of the entire nail unit

Approaches to patient assessment, including surgical planning, equipment/ suture selection, and anatomical considerations to optimize outcomes will be covered. Anatomy, as it relates to safe surgical technique, will be stressed. Fresh frozen cadaveric hands that allow for realistic hands-on practice will be utilized.