Mohs Surgery Career Center

Want to post or find an open position related to Mohs surgery in one of the following areas?

  • Mohs Surgeon
  • Mohs Histotechnologist
  • Dermatologist
  • Dermatologic Surgeon
  • Dermatopathologist
  • Physician Assistant
  • Practice Manager
  • Administrative Staff

The Mohs Surgery Career Center is an online resource where surgeons and histotechs, as well as physician assistants, dermatopathologists, practice managers, administrative staff and others, can search for job openings, post resumes, and connect with employers. Job seekers can search by position type, work setting, and state.

How it Works
If you’re a job seeker, you can either enter a position or title in the search bar on the home screen of the Career Center, or click on the Job Seeker tab at the upper left of your screen and select from several options, such as search for jobs, upload and manage your resume, create custom job alerts, view career resources, or log in to your account. Please note that searching for jobs doesn’t require an account; you can apply via email, but to apply from within the system you’ll need to create a free account. By signing in with your ACMS member username and password, much of your information will be pre-filled.

If you're an employer looking to post an open position, you will need to create an account, but we’ve made this step as easy as possible for our members: From the Employers tab at the upper left of your screen, select Post a Job. On the next screen, select I am a Member, then log in using your ACMS username and password (the same one you use to access member resources on the ACMS website). From here, you can select the posting package that best meets your needs.

To provide this valuable tool for members and others, an affordable, discounted pricing structure has been implemented: $99 for a 30-day posting, with other small fees for available feature opportunities.

Please note: The Mohs Surgery Career Center is offered as a service to the membership and the community, and is intended for individuals seeking employment and for employers or recruiters seeking candidates for employment. The presence of a listing does not constitute endorsement by the ACMS, its board or its officers. Content of the listings is provided and represented as accurate by users. The ACMS assumes no responsibility for and does not screen content posted by users. The ACMS does not guarantee job placement for anyone using the Career Center; does not guarantee that an employer will fill a vacancy by advertising on the Career Center; and does not guarantee the validity of any job vacancy submitted. The ACMS does not make recommendations regarding potential employers or employees; does not perform background checks on job applicants or employers; and does not assume any responsibility for wages, benefits, safety, working conditions, or any other aspect of employment. The ACMS is the sole interpreter of the Career Center’s intended and acceptable use. If notified by a user of a posting which allegedly does not conform to the above noted terms and conditions, the ACMS may investigate and determine at its sole discretion whether to remove the information in question. The ACMS has no liability or responsibility to users for performance or nonperformance of such activities.

Mohs Technician Training

If you have or are a current Mohs histotech looking for extensive training to improve current skills, the American Society for Mohs Histotechnology offers customized, hands-on training sessions through its Advanced Mohs Technician Training Program. This on-site training will include lecture and hands-on training on topics such as mapping and inking, embedding, staining, cryosectioning, CLIA regulations, troubleshooting, and more. This program is designed to enhance both the performance and quality of work of established Mohs technicians. Learn more about the different Mohs Technician Training offerings.

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