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Poster Specifications

Instructions for Poster Presentations

At the American College of Mohs Surgery Annual Meeting, abstracts may be presented via posters in addition to the usual symposium format. Furthermore, the Scientific Program Committee, on a case-by-case basis, recommend to authors of abstracts that their papers be developed into posters instead of symposium presentation.  The following describes information and guidelines on developing posters.

Poster Presentations

Posters should be prepared/printed in advance and brought to the ACMS Annual Meeting in person by the presenter. Do not mail your poster. Suggestions for the preparation and presentation of your poster are provided below. The first author of each poster is responsible for the proper assembly, mounting and presentation of his/her poster.

  • Poster boards are 4'x8'.
  • All displays must be mounted on the assigned board prior to the start time of the poster presentations.  Posters must be removed from the display board no later than the published time in the Final Program unless otherwise noted on site. It is the responsibility of the presenter to make sure the poster is mounted and removed on time. 
  • Presenters must provide push pins for their poster displays.
  • Logos and advertising materials may not be used. 
  • When appropriate, generic names should be used instead of trademark names. 
  • Each poster must include a label at the top which states the title, authors, and the authors' affiliations as they appear on the abstract. Industry names may not be included in the title. The lettering of this title strip should be at least one-inch (1") high.
  • Any potential commercial conflicts of interest related to the research in the poster must be disclosed. 
  • All posters must be confined to the space provided. 
  • Text and illustrations must be readable from a distance of at least five feet, with all lines heavily drawn.  Typed materials should be on the largest typeface available.

Suggested Guidelines

Remember, the poster will be available for viewing for several hours. 

  • The poster should be understandable without oral explanation. 
  • When planning your poster presentation, aim for clarity, simplicity and conciseness.
  • The objective of the work should be clearly stated.
  • Experimental details should be concise.
  • Tables and conclusions should be clearly stated.
  • When possible, organize tables and figures chronologically in vertical progression.
  • To maintain a good visual balance, the poster content should occupy approximately 50% of the total 8' wide x 4' long poster board area. Do not overload the poster with excessive text and data.
  • Use the diagram below to make an initial rough layout, keeping in mind the proportions of figures, table and text.


All posters need to be taken down by the time indicated in the Final Program. Posters will not be mailed to presenters after the meeting.

Example Poster